Setting up your profile
Adding your details and creating a good looking Task user profile on the mobile app
Adding your details and creating a good looking Task user profile on the mobile app
A quick guide to where everything is!
How to register and create a new account on your mobile device
Downloading and installing the iOS and Android applications
Lets get you started with the Task Mobile application! It’s easy to use, and quick to setup. If you havent done so already, download and install the application on your mobile device. Once thats done: If you need any help inside the mobile app, here is how you can access our documentation and support team.
Using blockchain ledger systems and hashing for data integrity
Want to become an expert in setting up projects, tasks, teams and verified payments?
How Task provides real-time information that allows supporters of projects to see exactly what happens with their donations
An insight into the reasons behind Task’s usage of Stellar blockchain