What is a “task”

FAQs and Troubleshooting

A task is some event that is tracked using your mobile device. Currently we only allow tasks to be tracked using the Task mobile app.

We split a task into two areas – the “brief” (the instructions to the Tasker describing what the work is) and “feedback components” (the information the project owner would like returned).

Typically the feedback takes the form of written text, tagging, photos and video and selecting items from a list. Note, Task is setup to easily add other “feedback components”, please contact us if there are other types you’d like us to add.

Tasks fall into two categories

Physical tasks

Physical tasks mean you use your phone to track events happening in the outside world – work being done, the number of steps you’ve taken, locations, or media such as photos and video.

In essence, you use your mobile device to provide evidence of activities being completed.

Digital tasks

Digital tasks are activities you complete inside the mobile device. For example, you may be sifting images or other data – or providing feedback to information that is delivered as a “task” to your mobile device.